Bentley Map V8i (SELECTseries 10) Help

Linear Adjustment tool

Used to get the best fitting line from nodes using a least squares calculation. This command solves the problem of fitting a set of N datapoints to a straight line.

Given the standard equation of a line, y = a + bx, the derivation used in this process is a simple weighted regression, where x and y are known based upon the location of the selected nodes.

The uncertainty of each location is defined by:

The methodology returns the slope of the line and the intercept. Cadastral Mapping Configuration swaps x and y as the slope becomes steeper to get a better fit. The line segment produced is based upon the extents of the datapoint set, N.

Note: This key-in must be typed in manually as the default feature name may be changed during schema creation. The feature name designated in the schema must be typed in place of: NODE_COLLECTION